Monday, 7 April 2014

09632104985 @ ACPM Medical College Dhule MBBS Admission 2014 @

ACPM Medical College or Jawahar Medical Foundation’s Annasaheb Chudaman Patil Memorial Medical College is a medical college in Dhule, Maharashtra affiliated to Maharashtra University of Health Sciences (M.U.H.S., Nashik).
Jawahar Medical Foundation was the concept of philanthropist, social worker and politician Late. Annasaheb Chudaman Patil. The foundation was registered in 1984. From a small a charitable general hospital with only 150 beds, ACPM hospital has now gone on to be 500 bedded hospital which has an Intensive Coronary Care Unit (ICCU), Intensive Care Unit (ICU), Neonatal Intensive Critical Unit (NICU), Paediatric Intensive care Unit (PICU), CT – SCAN and a blood bank amongst other facilities. It is backed up by Central & Departmental Laboratories for all the Investigations round the clock.

Courses Offered

Under Graduate Program
Post Graduate (MD/MS) Programs
MD PathologyMD Microbiology
MD General MedicineMD Paediatrics
MS Obstetrics & GynaecologyMS General Surgery
MS OrthopaedicsMS Ophthalmology
MD AnaesthesiaMD Radiology
Post Graduate (Diploma) Programs
D’Ortho (Orthopaedics)DGO (Obstetrics & Gynaecology)


Under Graduate Program
Post Graduate (MD/MS) Programs
MD Pathology02MD Microbiology02
MD General Medicine04MD Paediatrics02
MS Obstetrics & Gynaecology02MS General Surgery04
MS Orthopaedics02MS Ophthalmology01
MD Anaesthesia03MD Radiology01
Post Graduate (Diploma) Programs
D’Ortho (Orthopaedics)02DGO (Obstetrics & Gynaecology)01

Admission Details

It is as per the rules and regulations laid down by the Govt. of Maharashtra and Medical Council of India.
Cancellation of Admission:
The admission of a candidate may be cancelled without any refund of fees in following conditions:
  • If a candidate does not pay the prescribed fees at the time of admission.
  • If the university declares that the candidate is not eligible for admission due to non fulfillment of any of the conditions laid down by it.
  • If any information supplied by the student in connection with his admission is found to be incorrect at any time after the admission.
Eligibility Criteria
A candidate will be held eligible for admission on fulfillment of following conditions:
  • The candidate must have completed 17 yrs of age before 30th October of the year of admission.
  • The SSC or equivalent examination certificate will constitute valid proof of date of birth.
  • The candidate must have passed 12th std. examination under 10+2 system of Maharashtra State HSC Board or an equivalent examination of any recognised Indian Board or University with Physics, Chemistry, Biology & English as subjects with a minimum of 50% marks taken together in Physiscs, Chemistry and Biology in one and the same attempt.
  • Candidate belonging to constitutional reservation catagory should have obtained not less than 40% of marks in physics, chemistry and biology taken together in one and the same attempt, in the qualifying examinations.
  • In case any lacuna is found after admission and enrollment & eligibility is denied by the M.U.H.S. Nashik to which the institute is affiliated, the institute shall not be responsible for any loss direct or indirect to the student on this account, and his/her admission is liable for cancellation.

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