Monday, 7 April 2014

09632104985 @ Dr. DY Patil Medical College Kolhapur MBBS Admission 2014

D. Y. Patil University was established in the year 2005, in the name of the great educationist Padmashree DR. D. Y. PATIL. It has its sponsoring institution ‘D.Y. Patil Education Society.” The society was established in 1986 and is registered under Societies Registration Act, 1860 bearing no. Maharashtra/3029/86 on 23rd November 1986. The society started its Medical College in 1989, which was initially affiliated to the Shivaji University, Kolhapur and later on affiliated to the Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik. After almost two decades of status as an affiliated college, based on excellent and constant academic performance, a very strong and aesthetic infrastructural system, efficient and transparent governance and distinct potential for future progress, the Department of Secondary and Higher Education, Ministry of Human Resources Development, on the recommendation of University Grants Commission under Section 3 of UGC Act of 1956, vide its Notification No. F.9-26/2004-U-3 dated 1st September 2005, has accorded the Deemed to be University status to D. Y. Patil Education Society consisting of D.Y. Patil Medical College, Kolhapur.
Dr. D. Y. Patil Educational Group is well organized, well focused organization in education and health care systems since last three decades and today stands the hallmark in field of education.
In order to undertake the frontier level research in the field of medical science, the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research has been established in the University. There are at present 14 collaborative faculty members and 20 full time research scholars working under difference projects sanctioned by DST, DRDO, CSIR, New Delhi and BRNS, Mumbai. The Centre offers interdisciplinary science research programmes leading to medical research and the Ph.D. awards. To fill up the gap between undergraduate and Ph.D. programme, the University has started two Post Graduate programmes; namely M.Sc. Medical Physics and M.Sc. Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine. In order to supplement these research activities, the Centre has organized number of national and international conferences and workshops since its establishment.

Courses Offered

Under Graduate Program
Post Graduate (MD/MS) Programs
MD Radio-DiagnosisMD Medicine
MS SurgeryMS Obstetrics & Gynecology
MD PediatricsMD Anesthesia
MS ENTMS Ophthalmology
MD PharmacologyMD Dermatology
MD AnatomyMD Physiology
MD PathologyMD Microbiology
MD PsychiatryMS Orthopedics
MD IHBT (Blood Trasnfusion)
Post Graduate (MD/MS) Programs
DGO (OBG)DCH (Pediatrics)
D.Ortho (Orthopedics)


Under Graduate Program
Post Graduate (MD/MS) Programs
MD Radio-Diagnosis02MD Medicine06
MS Surgery05MS Obstetrics & Gynecology
MD Pediatrics04MD Anesthesia04
MS ENT01MS Ophthalmology02
MD Pharmacology02MD Dermatology01
MD Anatomy04MD Physiology02
MD Pathology04MD Microbiology03
MD Psychiatry02MS Orthopedics02
MD IHBT (Blood Trasnfusion)01
Post Graduate (MD/MS) Programs
DGO (OBG)02DCH (Pediatrics)02
D.Ortho (Orthopedics)02

Admission Details

The Candidates seeking for MBBS Admission in Dr. DY Patil Medical College have to appear AIET conducted by Dr. DY Patil University.
Eligibility Criteria
Candidates satisfying the following criteria shall be eligible to appear for AIET
  • Candidates must be Indian National. The Nationality Certificate issued by the District Magistrate / Additional District Magistrate I Chief Metropolitan Magistrate or a valid Passport shall constitute proof of Nationality.
  • The candidate should have born on or before 31.12.1996
  • Candidate should have passed H.S.C. (10+2) or equivalent examination from a Recognized Board with English securing minimum 50% marks (40% for all categories of backward class students) in the aggregate of the subjects namely, Physics, Chemistry and Biology (Botany & Zoology) for admission to MBBS / BDS / BAMS  courses. The Backward class candidates must attach copy of the Caste Certificate and Caste Verification Certificate along with the application. Candidates who have appeared for H.S.C. or equivalent examination and whose result will be declared before the dates of Counselling will also be eligible to appear at AIET.

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