Monday, 7 April 2014

09632104985 @ Bangalore College of Engineering & Technology Engineering Admission 2014

Bangalore College of Engineering & Technology, Bangalore

Bangalore College of Engineering &Technology, Bangalore
Bangalore College of Engineering & Technology is run by Bangalore Educational Trust, Bangalore , an Public Charitable Trust established this Institution in 2000-01 at Chandapura, Anekal Taulk, Bangalore with the object of providing education to all in the field of Engineering & Technology, Arts & Science , Medical and paramedical courses in economically and educationally backward areas.
The scenario of new thrust in the field of science & technology is to have new breeds of engineers & technocrats with special skill-sets, attitude & adaptability with no end. The present day technical education requires multi-dimensional learning & curriculum to be in pace with global trend. So these students require a comprehensive platform with good educational Institutions to learn with innovative quality & leadership. The Bangalore Educational Trust holds the noble objective of promoting innovative and creative brains in the field of technology with strong moral and ethical values.

Courses Offered

Under Graduate Programmes
Electronics & Communication EngineeringComputer Science & Engineering
Information Science & EngineeringMechanical Engineering
Electrical & Electronics EngineeringCivil Engineering


Under Graduate Programmes
Electronics & Communication Engineering90Computer Science & Engineering90
Information Science & Engineering60Mechanical Engineering60
Electrical & Electronics Engineering60Civil Engineering60

Admission Details

Admission will be on merit basis on the rank obtained by the student in CET, COMED-K and will be through counseling to be held by CET and COMED-K.
Eligibility Criteria
The candidate shall have secured not less than forty five percent 45% marks (40% for ST/SC and OBC of Karnataka State) in the aggregate with Physics and Mathematics as compulsory subjects, along with any one of the following subjects, namely, Chemistry, BioTechnology, Computer Science, Biology and Electronics.

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