Monday, 7 April 2014

09632104985 @ Mahatma Gandhi Mission CET 2014 (MGM-CET 2014)

MGM-CET 2014

Mahatma Gandhi Mission Common Entrance Test (MGM CET) 2014
Mahatma Gandhi Mission Common Entrance Test (MGM CET) is conducted by Mahatma Gandhi Mission Institute of Health Sciences for admission to undergraduate program in Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS). The MGM CET 2014 will be conducted on 31st May, 2014 at Ahmadabad, Aurangabad, Kolkata, Chandigarh, Hyderabad, Indore, Jaipur, Mumbai, Noida, Nanded, Navi Mumbai, New Delhi, Pune, Chennai, Kochi, Panjim and Guwahati.
About MGM Institute of Health Sciences, Navi Mumbai
Based on the recommendations of Medical Council of India and University Grants Commission, Ministry of Human Resources Development, Government of India, approved and accorded “Deemed to be University” status to MGM Institute of health Sciences, Navi Mumbai, vide Notification No. F 9-21/2005-U.3(A) dated 30.8.2006. The Notification was subsequently published in the Gazette of India on 16.09.2006. Grant of the “Deemed to be University” status was a result of over two decades of hard work by the management and governing council of MGM Trust in the field of education. It further increased the responsibility of the trust, which continues its untiring efforts to develop its two constituent Medical Colleges at Navi Mumbai and Aurangabad as Centers of Excellence in Medical Education, both at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. These efforts have resulted in accreditation with ‘A’ Grade by NACC which is an endorsement by UGC and GOI about academic excellence of MGM University.
Constituent Medical Colleges
MGM Medical College & Hospital, Kamothe, Navi Mumbai
Courses Offered:
UG: MBBS-150 seats (subject to renewal from MCI)
PG: MD/MS/PG Diploma -92 seats in 22 disciplines
Superspeciality: MCh./DM-03 seats 1 each in CVTS, Cardiology and Urology.
MGM Medical College & Hospital, N-6, CIDCO, Aurangabad
Courses Offered:
UG: MBBS-150 seats (subject to renewal from MCI)
PG: MD/MS/PG Diploma -72 seats in 20 disciplines
Superspeciality: MCh./DM-05 seats 1 each in CVTS, Cardiology, Urology, Nephrology and Plastic Surgery.


  • Must be an Indian National.
  • Must have been born on or before 31.12.1997
  • Must be medically fit.
  • Must have passed Qualifying Examination with English, Physics and Biology as subjects from the board recognized by CBSE, New Delhi with not less than 50% marks in aggregate. Candidates who have appeared or are going to appear in Qualifying E xamination in March/April 2014 are also eligible, provided they produce documentary proof of having passed the said examination with minimum 50% marks at the time of admission counseling.
  • In case there are any judicial judgements affecting the above eligibility conditions, after publication of this brochure, appropriate communication regarding the same will be put up on the official website of MGMIHS:


The MGM-CET 2014 will be conducted at Ahmadabad, Aurangabad, Kolkata, Chandigarh, Hyderabad, Indore, Jaipur, Mumbai, Noida, Nanded, Navi Mumbai, New Delhi, Pune, Chennai, Kochi, Panjim and Guwahati Centers subject to number of applications.

Detailed address of the exam centers will be available on and also will be printed on the Admit Cards. MGMIHS reserves right to delete or add examination centers, if necessitated by circumstances. In case a particular examination centre is deleted, candidate of that centre will be allotted next nearest centre. No refund of examination fee is permissible in such cases.



  • Candidates desirous to seek admission to MBBS course shall have to apply ONLINE in the prescribed application form to appear in MGM-CET 2014.
  • The application cum examination fee for MGM-CET 2014 is Rs. 4500/- (Four Thousand Five Hundred only). After 20/04/2014, application fee becomes Rs. 5500(Five Thousand Five Hundred only).
  • The information Brochure and application Form will be available online from 03/03/2014 to 20/04/2014 without late fees and upto 30/04/2014 with late fees. Before filling Online Application form download information brochure of MGM-CET-2014 and read the same carefully. The Applicants must possess the required criteria and education qualification as mentioned in the Information Brochure of MGM-CET 2014.
  • The details of online form submission process on website are as mentioned below. (Not Applicable for NRI candidates)
Instructions for Application Form Filling.
  1. ‘Apply Online for MGM-CET 2014′ Link will be available on website Click on the above Link.
  2. Application form link will be displayed. Click on Application form link.
  3. Instructions page will be displayed. Carefully read the Instructions for filling online form. After reading Instructions, applicant has to click NEXT button to go to actual Online Application form.
  4. Candidate should fill all the entries in application form and upload his/ her Scanned photograph and signature.
  5. System will validate required fields before allowing him / her to submission.
  6. Eligible Candidate will be able to submit the form. There is provision to make changes in the Application Form before Click on Submit Button. Candidate should verify the Correctness of entries made in application form. There is no provision to make changes in the application form once Submit Button is clicked.
  7. After submission of form Bank Challan will be displayed in two parts.
  8. Unique Application No. (Username) along with details of nonrefundable required fee Rs. 5,500 will be available on challan and same details will be mailed to the Candidate on his given E-mail ID.
  9. Candidate should take printout of Bank Challan. With this Challan pay the required fee in any Branch of State Bank of India on Second Working Day on-words, from the day of Printing Challan and obtain your copy of Challan indicating Journal ID/Transaction ID.
  10. ‘Log In’ Link will be available on website to verify the Application Form.
  11. Candidate should login with Application No. (User Name) and his/her unique Password to download the printout of Application Form. Candidate has to preserve the downloaded printout of Application Form for subsequent use.
  12. Applicants need not send copy of Application Form or any Document to this office.
  13. Please note that if you commit any mistake in filling the online Application Form, it cannot be corrected by this office. The office will take no responsibility of any kind for such forms.
  14. Selection of Preferred location of Medical College at the time of online form submission is only an indication of applicant’s choice. Final College allocation totally depends upon merit.
  15. Candidate must submit one and only one Application form. In case more than one form is received, the candidate will be disqualified from appearing in MGM-CET 2014.
Candidate should preserve the (i) Bank Challan (ii) Copy of downloaded Online form (iii) Downloaded copy of Information Brochure for subsequent use.


  1. The Admit Cards can be downloaded from website after login from 05th May, 2014 to 17th May, 2014. (Not Applicable to NRI Candidates)
  2. Candidate has to go to Exam Centre with downloaded Admit Card and any Photo ID proof (Aadhar Card, Driving license, PAN Card, Pass port).
  3. Issue of Admit Card is merely an enabling document for appearing at the MGM-CET 2014 and does not imply that the candidate satisfies all the requirements of eligibility conditions of admission.


  1. All eligible candidates are required to take the MGM-CET 2014 at their own cost.
  2. The MGM-CET-2014 will be conducted on Saturday, 17th May 2014, (09:30 AM to 12:30 PM) No entry will be permitted to the candidate in the examination hall after 09.30 a.m. for any reason whatsoever.
  3. The examination will be conducted in English Medium only.
  4. MGM-CET 2014 paper will be of 3 hours duration containing 200 multiple choice questions (MCQs), out of which 50 each will pertain to Chemistry & Physics and 100 to Biology. Each question will be of single best response objective type with four answer options. Each correct response shall be awarded one mark. There shall be NO NEGATIVE MARKING for wrong answers. Candidate should completely darken one and the only one best response (oval) on the OMR answer sheet.
  5. All questions are compulsory.
  6. Syllabus for MGM-CET 2014 will be same as for HSC (10+2) or equivalent examinations.
  7. Candidate should not use any other method for answering i.e. half circle, dot, tick mark, cross etc. This may not be read by the scanner. Answer sheet of each candidate will be evaluated by computerized scanning method only (Optical Mark Reader). There will not be any manual checking during evaluation as well as verification.


  • The Competent Authority shall declare the provisional result/marks scored by candidates of MGM-CET 2014 on MGMIHS website on or before 10/06/2014.
  • In case of any typographical error in result, regarding name, age, gender, category etc. should be informed to MGMIHS within 24 hours for necessary corrections if any.
  • There will be no rechecking/ revaluation of answer sheets. However the candidate can apply for verification of marks to the Competent Authority by 20/06/2014 in prescribed online form which needs to be downloaded, printed, filled and must be sent along with fees of Rs. 1000/- (Rupees One Thousand Only) to be paid by Demand Draft in favor of “MGM Institute of Health Sciences” payable at Mumbai and drawn on any nationalized/ scheduled commercial bank. The candidate will be given photocopy of the answer sheet and model answer key after verification by Speed post.
  • The Final merit list with ALL INDIA RANK will be generated after completing verification of marks.


If a candidate wishes to verify marks, he / she should apply to MGMIHS on or before 20/06/2014 along with a DD of Rs. 1000/- payable to ‘MGM Institute of Health Sciences, payable at Mumbai. Candidate shall receive a photocopy of the answer sheet along with model answer key. In case there is any change, revised mark sheet will be issued.



  • The Final Merit List of the candidates will be prepared by the University in accordance to the total Marks obtained by them in the MGM-CET-2014 indicating their ALL INDIA rank.
  • In case of two or more candidates obtaining equal marks in the MGM-CET-2014 the inter-se merit of such candidates will be determined in the order of preference as under:
    First Level : Candidate with higher marks in Biology in MGM-CET 2014 will be given preference.
    Second Level: If the tie persists after first level, candidate with higher marks in Chemistry in MGM-Second Level CET 2014 will get preference.
    Third Level : If tie persists after second level, candidate with higher percentage of aggregate marks in SSC (or equivalent) will get preference.
    Fourth Level : If tie persists after third level also, older candidate will get preference over the younger one.
  • The Final Statement of Marks indicating marks obtained and merit number of the candidate will be sent by speed post / courier.
  • The MGMIHS shall not be responsible for delay or loss of mark sheets during transit by speed post / courier.
  • The candidate who wants duplicate marks sheet will have to apply to MGMIHS with a payment of fee of Rs. 1000/- by D.D. drawn in favor of “MGM Institute of Health Sciences, payable at Mumbai”
  • MGMIHS will not intimate the individual unsuccessful candidates regarding the result of entrance test and no correspondence on this subject will be entertained.


EventsImportant Dates
Date of availability of online application form03rd March, 2014
Last date of submission of online application20th April, 2014
Last date of submission of online application (with late fee)30th April, 2014
Admit cards available online for printing05th May, 2014 to 17th May, 2014
Date of MGM- CET 2014 Examination31st May, 2014 (10:00 AM – 01:00 PM)
Declaration of ResultOn or before 10th June, 2014
Last date of receipt of application for verification of marks20th June, 2014
Declaration of first merit list & mark sheets available for printing30th June, 2014
Dates for Admission Counseling14th July, 2014 to 16th July, 2014
Date of Course Commencement01st August, 2014

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