Tuesday, 8 April 2014

09632104985 @ Management & NRI Quota Admission in Karnataka 2014

1) What is management quota?

  • In karnataka most of the colleges are private or govt-aided/private colleges.,these colleges have administrative system which is run by board of trusties.
  • All the trusties of colleges have made an organization in 2004 which is called COMED-K.
  • Honourable Supreme court has given the right to COMED-K for conducting examination for selection to allot seats for the cources like-B.E ,B.D.S,M.B.B.S,M.D.S,M.S.
  • government has provided 35% seats for COMED-K.,45% seats for C.E.T and 5% are minority seats for physically disabled and SC,ST & OBC. the remaining seats(15%) are management+NRI quota seats..these seats have Higher fees which is decided by management itself. In NRI seats the fees has to be paid in ($).,the figure depends on decision made by the Management.
(NOTE:The percentage of the seats in management+NRI quota may vary depending on differnet factors.)

SectionB. General Info. (Their Say)

Medical / Dental / Engineering AdmissionAdmission to Medical Dental Engineering Colleges in Bangalore - Karnataka There are three types of seats available in various colleges within the State of Karnataka 1) free seats or merit seats 2) payment seats 3) management quota (5% NRI quota). These in turn are split between the State Government and the college management. The payment seats are further sub-divided into Karnataka quota and Non-Karnataka quota till 2004. Since 2005 only Karnataka students are allowed to write CET.
The only other way to get admission without CET to Karnataka engineering / medical / dental colleges is through management quota ( number of seats are limited and the number varies every year depends on the state Govt. norms). NRI students should follow the NOC(no objection certificate) /Eligibility norms of the Universities otherwise University will not approve the admission it will be considered as excess seat (NRI quota strictly 5%).International or foreign Students seeking admission against the reserved seats are required to submit their applications through the Indian missions abroad or through the diplomatic missions of the respective countries in India

SectionC. All aboout NRIs

NRI Admissions Details....

Admission Procedures for NRI / Foreign Nationals:
  • The Government of Karnataka reserves 15 % of the seats for Non-Resident Indian / Foreign Students who wish to pursue Medical / Dental Courses in India. Candidates seeking admission under this category require to produce the following Certificates: Photostat copies of course/curricula’s of the last 04 Academic years (the candidate should have taken two courses each of Physics, Chemistry, Biology) preceding to the year of the admission applied.
  • Transfer Certificate
  • Residential Permit
  • Certificate in Proof of Date of Birth, Student Visa
  • Passport copy indicating citizenship
  • Four latest passport size photographs & four stamp size photographs ( 1“ x 1“ )
  • Conduct Certificate
  • No objection certificate from the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare - Govt. of India
  • Eligibility certificate from respective Universities.

SectionD. Eligibilty Details

Eligibility for Admission

M.B.B.S /B.D.S Course
  • 1. The candidates shall have passed the two years P.U.C examination conducted by the P.U.Education Board, Karnataka State, with Physics, Chemistry & Biology as optional subjects; or any other examination recognised as equivalent to it by the Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore. OR The candidates shall have passed the B.Sc examination of Bangalore University or any other statutory University provided he/she has passed the B.Sc examination with not less than three of the following subjects:Physics, Chemistry, Botany, Zoology.
  • 2. The Candidates should have secured not less than 50% of the total marks in Science subjects taken altogether at the qualifying examination.
  • 3. The Candidate should have completed seventeen years of age as on 31st December of the year of admission.
  • 4. Foriegn students desiring admission should produce: (a) A No Objection Certificate from the Department of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India, NewDelhi. (b)An English Certificate from the Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore. (c)Student Visa. (d)Residential Certificate.
  • 5. The Selection is based on the Common Entrance Test (C.E.T), conducted once a year by the Karnataka Government for all the students from the state & country seeking admission into the course.
  • 6. Among the total number of seats available, 15% are filled directly by the Management (N.R.I Quota). The rest are divided into Merit Quota (50%) & Payment [Karnataka & Non-Karnataka] Quota (35%) & are alloted by the Government of Karnataka, based on the ranking obtained at the C.E.T examination.
Post-Graduate Courses
  • 1. The candidates should have passed the M.B.B.S degree examination from a recognised Medical College affiliated to any university.
  • 2. The Candidates should have completed one year of Compulsory Rotating Internship in a teaching institution recognised by the M.C.I.
  • 3. The Candidates should have registered their M.B.B.S degree with the respective State Medical Council.
Engineering CoursesApplicants should have passed the 2nd P.U.C / 12 th std. or Equivalent qualifying Examination with a minimum aggregate of 45% with Physics Chemistry and Mathematics (PCM) irrespective of marks secured in PCM subjects in the competitive Entrance test.
Our Role:
  • Does it all look Complex or cumbersome?
  • How may we decide the college based on our wards Rank n our budget?
  • Does college prosepectus tell each n everything about the college?
  • What about the kind of food in hostel mess?,
  • Availability of private accomodation near college?
  • What college students say about college?
  • Where all this is mentioned in any prosepectus?
  • What about the extra corecullar activities/qualities/merit certificates/appreciation letters/sports awards of my ward?shoudnt they be considered and appreciated by college administration apart from marks?
  • Who ll take care of filling so many application forms?
With so many questions haunting ur mind , going to middleman looks like an easy/inevitable option .Even u know for sure thats risky/unreliable and not something which u want at all.
Through iCareer your application goes directly to the college Management. Our site is accessed not only by students but also by colleges iCareer shares a great rapport with various college administrations The qualities/educational background of ur ward can be showcased directly to college administration via this site and on the other way round u can get the best of info and offer from college of ur choice by the college administration directly . if u r a memeber of icareer and u fulfill all the above mentioned criteria,v expect getting a seat in college of ur choice will never be a tough job as it looks but ll b an oppurtunity to build relations with college administration.
Disclaimer... we do not promise a seat in any college but take the complete responsibilty of presenting ur application and advocating ur case to the college administration to the best of our capabilities.

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