Monday, 7 April 2014

09632104985 @ MGM Medical College Aurangabad MBBS Admission 2014

The Mahatma Gandhi Mission Trust is the parent body of MGMIHS which was established in 1982 by Hon. Shri Kamalkishore Kadam with a futuristic vision to provide qualitative education by applying innovative and dynamic pedagogical techniques. Since inception, the Trust has focused on providing Health Care Services, School Education and Higher Education with dedication and commitment. The MGM Trust was established in Nanded, Maharashtra and in the course of time it extended its services to Aurangabad, Navi Mumbai and Parbhani in Maharashtra and Noida [New Delhi] in Uttar Pradesh.
A chain of Schools, Engineering, Architecture, Medical, Nursing, Management, Computer Science & IT, Bioinformatics and Biotechnology, Fine Arts and Journalism stand testimony to the endeavours of the Trust.
All these Institutions are run under the able guidance of Shri Kamalkishore Kadam, M.Tech. (IIT-Mumbai), Chairman of the Trust and Ex-Minister of Education, Maharashtra and the trustees Shri Ankushrao N. Kadam (B.E.), Dr. P.M. Jadhav (FRCS, U.K.), Dr. S.N. Kadam (FRCP, Edin.), Dr. Nitin N. Kadam (MD, DCH) and Shri U.N. Kadam (B.E). The Institutions under MGM Trust have achieved a mark of excellence in their respective areas over the years.
The MGM Deemed University has been notified as a Deemed to be University i.e. “MGM Institute of Health Sciences” vide Notification No. F.9-21/2005-U.3 (A) dated 30.08.2006 issued by the Government of India, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Department of Higher Education, New Delhi.
Two of its Medical Colleges at Aurangabad and Navi Mumbai were accorded the status of Deemed to be University and Mahatma Gandhi Mission Institute of Health Sciences (MGMIHS) started officially functioning in 2006.

Courses Offered

Under Graduate Program
Post Graduate (MD/MS) Programs
MD AnatomyMD Physiology
MD BiochemistryMD Microbiology
MD PharmacologyMD Pathology
MD Community MedicineMD General Medicine
MD Respiratory MedicineMD FMT
MD DermatologyMS Paediatrics
MD AnaesthesiologyMD Radiology
MD PsychiatryMS General Surgery
MS OrthopedicsMS Ophthalmology
MS Obstetrics & GynaecologyMS ENT
Post Graduate (MD/MS) Programs
Paediatrics (DCH)Orthopaedics (D.Ortho)
Anaesthesiology (DA)Radio-Diagnosis (DMRD)
Dermatology, Venerology & Leprosy (DVD)Clinical Pathology (DCP)


Under Graduate Program
Post Graduate (MD/MS) Programs
MD Anatomy04MD Physiology03
MD Biochemistry02MD Microbiology04
MD Pharmacology02MD Pathology03
MD Community Medicine02MD General Medicine08
MD Respiratory Medicine03MD FMT02
MD Dermatology02MD Paediatrics04
MD Anaesthesiology04MD Radiology03
MD Psychiatry01MS General Surgery06
MS Orthopedics03MS Ophthalmology03
MS Obstetrics & Gynaecology04MS ENT01
Post Graduate (MD/MS) Programs
Paediatrics (DCH)02Orthopaedics (D.Ortho)01
Anaesthesiology (DA)01Radio-Diagnosis (DMRD)01
Dermatology, Venerology & Leprosy (DVD)01Clinical Pathology (DCP)02

Admission Details

Candidates looking Admission in MGM Medical College, Aurangabad for MBBS Course have to appear MGM Common Entrance Test (MGM CET) conducted by Mahatma Gandhi Mission University of Health Science (MGMUHS). Final selection of the candidates is based on the written test and personal interview.
Eligibility Criteria
The Candidate must have passed in 10+2 or Equivalent Examination from any recognized Board.

tags- ,,,,,,Undergraduate Medical Courses Admission in Maharashtra

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