Monday, 7 April 2014

09632104985 @ S Nijalingappa Medical College Bagalkot MBBS Admission 2014

S Nijalingappa Medical College, HSK (Hanagal Shree Kumareshwar) Hospital and Research Centre (SNMC) is a medical college based in Bagalkot, Karnataka, India. The graduate and post-graduate programs of the college are recognized by the Medical Council of India. The courses offered are also recognized by General Medical Council (UK), Sri Lanka Medical Council and WHO. The college has been recognized by the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, UK, for the award of MRCOG. After the formation of JSS University (Established under Section-3 of UGC Act) JSS Medical College has become a constituent college of the JSS University from the Academic year 2008-2009. The students of this college are from all corners of India as well from Abroad.
Sri Basavashwara’s Vidhya Vardhak Sangha, founded in 1906 runs a number of educational institutions, one among which is the BVV Sangha’s S Nijalingappa Medical College Bagalkot. The college was formed in 2002, two years after the establishment of Hanagal Sri Kumareshwara Hospital. The college is affiliated to Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences and recognised by the Medical Council of India.
The college stands out as a landmark of Bagalkot, with its magnificient buildings. The campus stands on a 200 acre land leased for a period of 30 years.
The institution aims to present the society with the best doctors to serve the community by providing the most efficient health care.

Courses Offered

Under Graduate Program
Post Graduate (MD/MS) Programs
MD PhysiologyMD Biochemistry
MD PharmacologyMD Pathology
MD MicrobiologyMD Community Medicine
MD Forensic MedicineMD General Medicine
MS General SurgeryMS Ophthalmology
MS OBGMD Paediatrics
MD AnaesthesiologyMS Orthopaedics
MS ENTMD Dermatology
Post Graduate (Diploma) Programs
Clinical Pathology (DCP)Community Medicine (DCM)
Ophthalmology (DO)Child Health (DCH)
Orthopaedics (D’Ortho)ENT (DLO)


Under Graduate Program
Post Graduate (MD/MS) Programs
MD Physiology02MD Biochemistry02
MD Pharmacology01MD Pathology04
MD Microbiology04MD Community Medicine01
MD Forensic Medicine02MD General Medicine04
MS General Surgery04MS Ophthalmology02
MS OBG02MD Paediatrics02
MD Anaesthesiology02MS Orthopaedics01
MS ENT02MD Dermatology02
Post Graduate (Diploma) Programs
Clinical Pathology (DCP)02Community Medicine (DCM)01
Ophthalmology (DO)01Child Health (DCH)01
Orthopaedics (D’Ortho)01ENT (DLO)01

Admission Details

The Candidates seeking for MBBS Admission in SN Medical College, Bagalkot, Karnataka should have secured 50% of marks at the competitive entrance test (KCET/COMEDK) conducted by the competent authorities in Karnataka.
Eligibility Criteria
I. Qualifying Examination:
Shall have passed two year Pre University examination conducted by Department of Pre University Education.  Karnataka State, with English as one of the subjects and Physics, Chemistry and Biology as optional subjects.  The candidate shall have passed subjects of English, Physics, Chemistry and Biology individually also.
Shall have passed and other examination conducted  by Boards/Councils/Intermediate examination established by State Governments/Central Government and recognized as equivalent to two year Pre University examination by the Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences/Association of Indian Universities (AIU), with English as one of the subjects and Physics, Chemistry and Biology as optional subjects and the candidate shall have passed subjects of English, Physics, Chemistry and Biology individually.
Shall have passed Intermediate examination in Science of an Indian University/Board/ Council or other recognized examining bodies with Physics, Chemistry and Biology, which shall include a practical test in these subjects and also English as compulsory subject.  The candidate shall have passed subjects of English, Physics, Chemistry and Biology individually.
II. Marks
Incase of admission on the basis of qualifying examination, a candidate for admission to MBBS course must have passed individually in the subjects of Physics, Chemistry, Biology and English and must have obtained not less than 50% marks taken together in Physics, Chemistry and Biology in the qualifying examination.  In respect of candidates belonging to   Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes or Category I, the marks obtained in Physics, Chemistry and Biology taken together in qualifying examination be not less than 40% instead of 50% as above.
In case of admission on the basis competitive entrance examination, a candidate must have passed individually in the subjects of Physics, Chemistry, Biology and English and must have obtained not less than  50% marks in Physics, Chemistry and Biology taken together at the qualifying examination and in addition must have come in the merit list prepared as a result of such competitive entrance examination by securing  not less than 50% marks  in Physics, Chemistry  and Biology taken together in the competitive examination.  In respect of candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes or Category I, the Marks obtained in Physics, Chemistry and Biology taken together in qualifying examination and competitive entrance examination be not less than 40% instead of 50% as stated above. (vide amendment to MCI Regulations, 1997, notified in Gazette of Government of India dated 29-05-1999).
III. Age:
The candidate should have completed 17 years of age on or before 31st day of December of the year of admission.
IV. Require Documents for Admission:
  • Competitive Entrance Examination Marks & Rank Card.
  • 10th or SSLC Marks Card.
  • 10+2/ PUC-II Marks Card
  • Transfer Certificate
  • Studying & Character Certificate of Previous college (PUC-II / 10+2)
  • Physical fitness Certificate with Blood Group
  • Caste / Validity Certificate (for SC/ST/Category)
  • Eligibility Certificate (for Non Karnataka Candidates)
  • Migration Certificate (for Non Karnataka Candidates)
  • 4 Recent Pass Port Size Photographs

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