Monday, 7 April 2014

09632104985 @ COMEDK UGET 2014 Entrance Exam

COMEDK (Consortium of Medical, Engineering and Dental Colleges of Karnataka)

COMEDK is the “Consortium of Medical, Engineering and Dental Colleges of Karnataka” to determine the merit of students seeking admissions to the undergraduate courses in the Member Institutions of the Karnataka Professional Colleges Foundation Trust (KPCF) in its endeavor to offer an effective, fair, transparent and non-exploitative testing procedure. There are 14 Medical, 25 Dental and more than 150 engineering colleges who make available almost 20,000 seats for admission.
COMEDK has been assigned the task of organizing a Common Entrance Test for the academic year 2014-2015. The COMEDK Entrance Test being considered as an exercise to shortlist an inter-se merit of candidates for grant of admission in a fair and transparent manner. The publication of test score and rank list will be followed by centralized counseling (Single window system) in so far as Member Institutions are concerned.
COMEDK being an Agency to conduct entrance test followed by centralized counseling, all admissions in respect of candidates who have selected the seats would be at the level of colleges concerned. The admissions to be made by the colleges after receiving the final list of candidates will have to be approved by the Regulating Agencies like concerned Universities etc. set up by the State Government.


As per the Regulations of Medical/Dental Council of India, the qualifying examination prescribed for admission to MBBS/BDS is 2nd PUC or 10+2 higher secondary or equivalent examination, recognized by State / Central Government. The last two years of study shall comprise of Physics, Chemistry and Biology (PCB) with English as a compulsory subject.
The General Merit candidates must have passed these subjects (PCB) individually and must have obtained a minimum of 50% of marks taken together in PCB (40% in the case of SC, ST and OBC candidates of Karnataka State); they must also secure not less than 50% marks (40 % in the case of SC, ST and OBC candidates of Karnataka State) in aggregate in PCB in the Common Entrance Test of COMEDK UGET-2014.
English is one of the subjects to be tested along with Physics, Chemistry and Biology during COMEDK UGET-2014 and the General Merit candidates should secure not less than 50% marks in English, (40% in the case of SC, ST and OBC candidates of Karnataka State). However, the marks so secured in English will not be added for the determination of rank list as the rank list will be drawn exclusively based on the minimum required marks secured by the candidates in PCB; further, a candidate is not entitled for a rank if he/she fails to secure 50% or (40% in the case of SC, ST and OBC candidates of Karnataka State) of marks in English. The paper on English language will be normally of 2nd PUC or 10+2 standard and will test the candidate’s comprehension of the language, the structure of words, phrases, clauses, and sentences.
The candidates shall complete the age of 17 years on or before 31st December (31/12/2014) of the year of admission to the MBBS/BDS course.
Similarly, the candidates who have passed the qualifying examination i.e. 2nd PUC or 10+2 prior to 2012 NEED NOT APPLY.
If a candidate/s on being qualified earlier, and had selected a MBBS seat in an earlier COMEDK UG entrance test and has failed to join the college selected without surrendering the seat at the COMEDK level or if the said candidate having joined the college failed to pursue his / her education such candidates are NOT PERMITTED to apply for COMEDK UGET-2014.


Physics and Chemistry as one paper for two hours duration besides Biology and English as another paper for two hours duration. Each correct answer is awarded one mark. No Mark/s will be awarded for multiple marking (marking multiple responses) of any question. There will be no negative marking.
Physics60 Questions
Chemistry60 Questions
Biology60 Questions
English60 Questions
Total240 Questions
Note: Candidates seeking admission for Medical / Dental courses will have to satisfy the eligibility norms prescribed by MCI/DCI, besides eligibility in English viz.50% securing for General Merit candidates & 40% for SC, ST and OBC candidates of Karnataka is mandatory for allocation of Rank. However only scores in Physics, Chemistry and Biology of the Entrance Test will be the basis for Ranking.


A separate link in the website is provided to assist the candidates in filling the Online Application form. Click here.
Candidates please note the application fee being collected along with the online application form is towards meeting the expenses for conduct of the test, counseling and other incidental expenses.
Note: Please ensure that you have the following documents ready at hand before you start filling up the Online Application Form.
  • Demand Draft (drawn from the nationalized banks in favour of “COMEDK” payable at Bangalore. Refer Annexure I for the list of Nationalized Banks)
  • 10th Standard Marks card / School Leaving Certificate indicating the candidate’s Date of Birth (required for the date of birth verification).
  • SC/ST/OBC or Minority Certificates (Religious/Linguistic) if any.
General Instructions for Online Application Form Filling.
  • Demand Draft has to be drawn from the nationalized banks in favour of “COMEDK” (check for the correct spelling), payable at Bangalore (DD must be payable at Bangalore only).  Rs.1200/- for 3 Subjects (PCB or PCM) i.e. MBBS/BDS or B.E. and Rs.1500/- for 4 subjects (PCMB) i.e. MBBS/BDS and B.E.
  • Check for the banker’s signature on the Demand Draft before sending to COMEDK.
  • Ensure that the online application form is filled up properly and completely with all relevant details.
  • After re-verifying the details entered, then click on SUBMIT BUTTON.
  • Kindly make a note of the application number as displayed in the application form. (6 digits number)
  • The candidates need to take a printout of the online application form along with the online study certificate requiring attestation by the head of the institution last studied (as prescribed by COMEDK).
  • Verify the details before taking the printout of the Online Application Form and the online study certificate requiring attestation by the head of the institution last studied (as prescribed by COMEDK).
  • Demand Drafts drawn from the nationalized banks in excess of the prescribed fee (Rs.1200/- or Rs. 1500/-) if sent by the candidate will not be refunded.
  • Non refundable fee for taking COMEDK UGET-2014 and attending centralized counseling if eligible is Rs. 1200/- or Rs. 1500/-.
  • Candidates who send Rs.1500/- DD for the Entrance Test but have marked or opted for only 3 subjects (PCM/PCB) would be allowed only for the same 3 subjects as indicated by them.
  • Candidates who send Rs.1200/- DD for the Entrance Test but have marked or opted for 4 subjects (PCMB – i.e., both) would be REJECTED.
  • Kindly stick your recent (not older than six months) passport size colour photograph only in the space provided (all the photos must be identical). Application Form with smudged / tampered / hazy photograph will be rejected.
  • Do not staple or pin the photograph on the application form or in the online study certificate requiring attestation by the head of the institution last studied (as prescribed by COMEDK).
  • Please adhere to the time schedule enlisted in the Calendar of Events.
  • Incomplete / incorrect applications are liable TO BE REJECTED without prior information to the candidate.
  • Multiple application forms received from the same candidate will result in confusion and may result in disqualification.
  • COMEDK is not responsible for any error the candidate makes while filling up the Application Form.
  • No change request on the application data will be accepted; hence candidates are cautioned to be careful while filling the application.
  • COMEDK will not entertain any changes in the application form and no refund will be made.
  • COMEDK is not responsible for any loss / delay / damage which might occur during Postal or Courier delivery.
  • Any application received after the last date (i.e. 12/04/2014) mentioned in the Calendar of Events will be rejected.
  • Completed application forms will not be received in person either in COMEDK office or any member institution.
Following Documents to be send along with the completed Online Application Form: 
  1. Demand Draft has to be drawn from the nationalized bank in favour of “COMEDK” (check for the correct spelling), payable at Bangalore (DD must be payable at Bangalore only).  Rs.1200/- (One Thousand Two Hundred Only) for 3 subjects (PCB or PCM) i.e. MBBS/BDS or B.E and Rs.1500/- (One Thousand Five Hundred Only) for 4 subjects (PCMB) i.e. MBBS/BDS and B.E. Application number, applicant’s name & contact number to be written at the back of the Demand Draft. Check for the banker’s signature on the Demand Draft. Demand Draft from any bank other than the Banks listed in the Annexure -I will not be accepted.
  2. Printed Online Application Form
  3. Online study certificate (as prescribed by COMEDK) is a system generated certificate which will be printed along with Application form requiring attestation by the head of the institution last studied(12th std / 2nd PUC).
  4. Photocopy of 10th Standard Marks Card or School Leaving Certificate indicating the candidate’s Date of Birth.
  5. Candidates belonging to SC, ST and OBC of Karnataka would be considered, provided they furnish the Photocopy of the following Certificates obtained on or before submission of their application:
    1. SC / ST: Caste Certificate issued by competent authority (Authorised to issue such a certificate but not below the rank of a Tahsildar)
    2. OBC: Category I, IIA, IIB, IIIA and IIIB: As notified by the Karnataka Govt. Caste and Income Certificate issued by Tahsildar or higher revenue jurisdictional authority authorised to issue such a certificate.
    3. MINORITY: Religious (Christian) of All India / Linguistic (Tulu/Telugu/Konkani) of Karnataka minority candidates to produce certificate as per Annexure – IV (Attested photocopy) of Brochure obtained on or before submission of their application (available on
Candidates who have not produced appropriate supporting documents for claiming the status of Religious / Linguistic Minority or (SC / ST / OBC candidates of Karnataka) will be rejected. 
Application form without any of the above mandatory documents will be rejected.
Note: Avoid stapling of Demand Draft to the application form. Instead use clips. 
Note: The recent passport size photographs have to be identical. It should not be more than 6 months old. Application with smudged/tampered or hazy photograph will not be accepted. Any application received not adhering to these specifications will be rejected without any clarifications and no refund will be made. The decision of the COMEDK Committee on this would be final and binding.
The completed Application Form has to reach the COMEDK office by Speed Post or Courier on or before Saturday the 12th April 2014 (before 5:00 PM) to the following Address.
The Executive Secretary – COMEDK,
# 132, Second Floor,
11th Main, 17th Cross,
Bangalore – 560055,


EventsImportant Dates
Start date for Issue of Online Application Form12th March, 2014
Last Date for Receipt of Completed Online Application Forms12th April, 2014
Uploading of Online Test Admission Tickets25th April, 2014
COMEDK UGET-2014 Test Day11th May, 2014
Publishing of Provisional Answer Keys11th May, 2014
Last Date for receiving objection pertaining to Provisional Answer Keys14th May, 2014
Publishing of Final Answer keys24th May, 2014
Publishing of Test Scores24th May, 2014
Publishing of Rank List and uploading of Online Rank Card04th June, 2014

,,List of participated Medical Colleges in COMEDK UGET 2014

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