Monday, 7 April 2014

09632104985 @ May MAT 2014 Notifications are out

Management Aptitude Test (MAT)
Management Aptitude Test (MAT) - May 2014
Management Aptitude Test (MAT) is a standardized test being administered since 1988 to facilitate Business Schools (B-Schools) to screen candidates for admission to MBA and allied programmes. Govt. of India, Ministry of HRD approved MAT as a national level test in 2003. Any B-School – national or international – can consider MAT Score as an admission input based on the Score Cards issued to the candidates. The largest test of its kind in the nation, MAT will continue to be your passport to over 600 B-Schools across India.
Eligibility Criteria
Graduates in any discipline. Final year students of Graduate Courses can also apply.
Participating Management Institutes (Click here to view)  
Four Digit codes for Management Institutes/University Departments accepting the MAT Score are given in the List of Participating Institutes/Universities as MI Code. There are five blocks consisting of four boxes each given in the Form. Fill the codes of those five institutes only where you have applied or are applying for admission.
(Note: No additional fee is to be paid for filling these 5 choices.) 
Test Center Cities (Click Here)
Mode of Test (How to take the Test)
Candidate can choose any ONE of the two options to take the test: Paper Based Test  or Computer Based Test
Test Date & Timing
Paper Based Test 
04 May 2014 (Sunday)
1000-1230 Hrs
Reporting Time at the Test Centre: 0900 Hrs
Computer Based Test
10 May 2014 (Saturday) onwards**
In different Time slots at specific test venues; subject to number of candidates registering for Computer Based Test.
**If the number of candidates registered for Computer Based Test is limited and can be accommodated in a single day; the test will be completed on 10 May 2014 itself.
Management Aptitude Test (MAT) Application Form
The candidates can register them through the official website. Click here for Registration
For more details and guidelines for Online Application. Click here.
MAT Registration Form Acknowledgement
All Forms received at AIMA are scanned / validated within 5 days and the Form Numbers of such received forms will be available on website link:
Further, your form is scrutinized and if found in order; it is provisionally registered.
MAT Registration Form received later than the due date is liable to be rejected. Neither any correspondence in this regard will be entertained nor will the fee be refunded.
Admit Card
  • All provisionally registered candidates both for Paper Based and Computer Based Test can download their Admit Card from AIMA website link: by 26 April 2014 (Saturday).
  • Specific Admit Card is generated both for the candidates opted for the Paper Based Test and for the Computer Based Test.
  • Admit Card contains Candidate’s Name, Form No, Roll No, Test Date, Test Time and Test Venue Address. Candidate has to strictly follow the date and time allotted to him/her in the case of Computer Based Test.
  • Candidates who have opted for Computer Based Test can choose the date and time slot of their choice, subject to availability. Date and time slot will be automatically allotted by the system to those candidates who do not select their slot upto 4 days before the Computer Based Test. No request for change of date and time slot will be entertained.
  • No separate Admit Card will be issued or dispatched.
MAY MAT 2014 Important Dates
EventsImportant Dates
Last Date for Online Registration16th April, 2014 (Wednesday)
Last Date for receipt of filled in Online Registration Form at AIMA, New Delhi19th April, 2014 (Saturday)
Test DatePaper Based – 04th May 2014 (Sunday)
Computer Based – 10th May 2014 (Saturday)

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