Monday, 7 April 2014

09632104985 @ MCI Permitted Vs MCI Recognition

Permitted Medical Colleges/Seats
The Medical Educational Institution (Medical College) is inspected by the medical authorities (MCI) of the government of India to know whether the institution is worthy enough to be given permission to admit eligible students to study MBBS course. After inspection if MCI finds the facilities and the faculty of the educational institution (Medical College) are up to the MCI set standards   -
“The medical authorities (MCI) give permission to the medical college to start admitting  students into MBBS course. While doing so, the medical authorities (MCI) give permission for 100 seats to the institution (Medical College). These 100 seats are known as Permitted seats & such Medical Colleges are called Permitted Medical Colleges.”
Recognized Medical Colleges/Seats
Once the Medical Educational Institution (Medical College) is permitted to admit 100 students to study MBBS for a total duration of 5 & half years, of which 4 & half years are classroom studies followed by 1 year of compulsory internship. And later after completion of the duration of 5 & half years, the medical authorities (MCI) of the government of India give this medical educational institution recognized status -
“The reason being that the first batch of 100 students have successfully completed the medical course with a graduate degree as per rules & regulations of the university and the norms set by Medical Council of India. Hence, after 5 & half years the permitted seats will be known as recognized seats & these type of Medical Educational Institutions are called Recognized Medical Colleges.”
The conclusion is that once a new medical college is incepted. The seats beginning from the year of the first batch of admitted students and till the release of same batch of students up to the tenure of 5 & half years are known as permitted seats and later after 5 & half years the same seats are known as recognized seats.
The aspirants looking forward to pursue MBBS course are advised – try to admit in a recognized seat instead of a permitted seat. A recognized seat assures all kinds of eligibility for jobs and higher studies with a better faculty and facilities.

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