Monday, 7 April 2014

09632104985 @ Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences Deemed University Karad

Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences Deemed University Karad

Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences Deemed University, Karad
Krishna Institute of Medical Science Karad announces Admission for KAIET 2014.  Admission to MBBS/BDS/ BPTh/Nursing Courses through Krishna All India Entrance Test 2014. KAIET 2014 will be held on 15th May, 2014
  1. Faculty of Medical Sciences – (MBBS)
  2. Faculty of Dental Sciences (B.D.S)
  3. Faculty of Physiotherapy (B. P. Th.)
  4. Faculty of Nursing Sciences (B. Sc. Nursing)

About KIMS Deemed University

Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences Deemed University Karad is located in Western Maharashtra, India against the background of mountains and valleys. The campus is spread over 60 acres and is well connected by national highway to Mumbai & Pune International Airport.
The constituent colleges of the University include Medical, Dental, Physiotherapy, Nursing and Biotechnology offering undergraduate and postgraduate courses in respective faculties. It also runs Ph.D. programs in Anatomy, Community Medicine, Pharmacology, Microbiology and Nursing.
The medical college is about 29 years old and is recognized by the Medical Council of India, Medical Council of Malaysia and is listed in the WHO’s world directory of Medical Schools. MBBS and postgraduate degree/diploma courses in clinical and basic sciences in 17 disciplines are recognized by Medical Council of India. It also admits the international students from all over the globe for MBBS course.

KAIET 2014 Eligibility Criteria

  1. Candidate must be 17 years on or before 31/12/2014
  2. Candidate must have passed Std XII (HSC or equivalent) with Physics, Chemistry, Biology & English individually with minimum 50% marks in PCB (for MBBS & BDS only).
  3. Candidates appearing at Std. XII or equivalent examination in March 2014 shall also be eligible to appear for KAIET-2014 however the candidate must fulfill the eligibility conditions before counseling.

KAIET 2014 Examination Centers

Delhi, Chandigarh, Indore, Ahmedabad, Surat, Mumbai, Pune, Nagpur, Hyderabad, Cochin and Karad.

KAIET 2014 Application Form

The Online Application Form is available in the official website of Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences Deemed University Karad or you canclick here for Online Application Form.
Instructions for Filling up the Online Application Form
Relevant and complete data entry is to be made in the online application format by the candidate and after submitting it online, the application form is to be downloaded. (Please see to that all the rows are filled up)
Hard copy of the downloaded application form along with the Demand Draft of Rs 1,500/- in favor of Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences University, payable at Karad should be submitted within the stipulated time to:
The competent Authority 
Krishna Institue of Medical Sciences University 
Near Dhebewadi Road 
Tal:Karad – 415110, Dist ;Satara 
The downloaded application form must have the recent color photograph of the candidate, signature of the candidate and left thumb impression of the candidate. Incomplete forms will not be accepted. 
The fee of Rs 1,500/- is non refundable (even if the application is rejected because of incomplete information or ineligibility of the candidate or if the candidate does not appear for the Entrance test) .
Online submitted forms will be accepted only after receiving the hard copy of the application form and the Demand Draft of Rs 1,500/- 
Candidates who have applied online will know the status of application by student login.

KAIET 2014 Admit Card

The admit card will indicate Roll no and Examination centre allotted to the candidate with its address.
Hard copies of the Admit card WILL NOT be sent by post / courier and eligible candidates should download their Admit card from University website.

KAIET 2014 Important Dates

EventsImportant Dates
Date of availability of Application Forms14th March, 2014
Last date of submission of Application Forms08th May, 2014
KAIET 2014 Entrance Test15th May, 2014 (2.00 pm to 5.00 pm)

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