Monday, 7 April 2014

09632104985 @ Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences AICET UG 2014 Entrance Test

Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences (Deemed University) Loni

Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences (PIMS), Loni
PIMS AICET UG 2014 (Rural Medical College)
The Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences (PIMS), Loni invites applications for admission undergraduate medical courses through All India Common Entrance Test (AICET 2014), for the academic year 2014-15. PIMS-AICET-UG 2014 entrance exam will be held on 26th April 2014.

About Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences

Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences (Deemed University) was established under Section (3) of the University Grants Commission (UGC) Act 1956 on 29th September, 2003 by Government of India, Ministry of Human Resource Development vide notification No. F.9-11/2000-U-3.
The Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences, popularly known as PIMS is located in the Pravara Medical Trust complex in village Loni, Tal – Rahata, Dist – Ahmednagar in Maharashtra. Pravara Medical Trust is the parent organisation of the Deemed University and was established in 1972 in a small village Loni of Ahmednagar District (Maharashtra State) by a visionary Padmashri Dr. Vitthalrao Vikhe Patil, the founder of the Co-operative movement in India.
In 1976, the Trust started providing primary and secondary level medical care with establishment of a modest hospital of 100 beds. Over a period of time, the hospital grew in to 1000 beds & an attached multi-disciplinary, super speciality medical institute with state of the art facilities.
Following institutes come under the ambit of the University
1. Rural Medical College & Hospital, Loni
2. Rural Dental College & Hospital, Loni
3. College of Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation Center, Loni
4. College of Nursing, Loni
5. Center for Social Medicine, Loni
6. Center for Biotechnology, Loni

PIMS AICET UG 2014 Eligibility Criteria

  • Candidate must be an Indian National. The Nationality Certificate issued by the District Magistrate / Additional District Magistrate /Chief Metropolitan Magistrate or a valid passport will be considered as a proof of Nationality.
  • The candidate must be born on or before 31st December 1997 to be eligible to appear for PIMS-AICET-UG 2014.
  • Candidate must have passed any of the qualifying examinations as enumerated below.
  • The Higher/Senior Secondary Examination or the Indian School Certificate Examination which is equivalent to (10+2) Higher/Senior Secondary Examination which is conducted after a period of 12 years study, the last two years of such study comprising of Physics, Chemistry, Biology/ Bio-technology (which shall include practical tests in these subjects) and Mathematics or any other elective subject with English as a core course.

     where the course content is not as prescribed for 10 +2 education structure of the National Committee, the candidates will have to undergo a period of one year pre – professional training before admission to the Medical Colleges.ORThe Intermediate/Pre-degree Examination in Science of an Indian University/Board or other recognised Examining body with Physics, Chemistry, Biology /Bio-technology (which shall include practical test in these subjects) and also English as compulsory subject.OR
    The Pre-professional/Pre-medical Examination with Physics, Chemistry, Biology/Biotechnology & English after passing either the Higher Secondary Examination or Pre-University or an equivalent examination. The Pre-professional/Pre-medical examination shall include practical test in these subjects and also English as compulsory subject.
    The first year of the three years degree course of a University recognized by University Grants Commission (UGC) with Physics, Chemistry and Biology/Biotechnology including practical tests in these subjects, provided the examination is a University Examination and further that he/she has passed the earlier qualifying examination with Physics, Chemistry, Biology/Bio-technology and English.
    B.Sc. Examination of an Indian University recognized by University Grants Commission (UGC), provided that he/she has passed B.Sc. Examination with not less than two of the subjects Physics, Chemistry, Biology (Botany, Zoology)/Bio-technology and further that he/ she has passed the earlier qualifying examination with Physics, Chemistry, Biology and English
    Any other examination which in scope and standard is found to be equivalent to the Intermediate Science Examination of an Indian University/Board, taking Physics, Chemistry and Biology/Bio-technology including practical tests in each of these subjects and English.
    For such qualification, the candidate are required to obtain equivalence certificate from AIU (Association of Indian Universities, New Delhi).
  • Candidate belonging to general category must have passed in the subjects of Physics, Chemistry, Biology/Biotechnology and English individually and must have obtained a minimum 50% marks in Physics, Chemistry and Biology/Biotechnology taken together at the qualifying examination.
  • Candidate belonging to backward classes (SC, ST, NT & OBC) must have passed in the subjects of Physics, Chemistry, Biology/Biotechnology and English individually and must have obtained a minimum 40% marks in Physics, Chemistry and Biology/Biotechnology taken together at qualifying examination.
  • Candidates belonging to the backward class must attach a copy of the caste and caste validity certificate along with the application form. It should however be noted that there is no reservation for students belonging to Backward class. This certificate is required in support of relaxation of eligibility criteria i.e. if such a candidate gets admission on the basis of inter-se-merit of PIMS-AICET-UG 2014 but has scored less than 50% marks in qualifying examinations.
  • The candidates who are appearing for qualifying examination in February/March 2014 are eligible to appear for PIMS-AICET-UG 2014. However they must fulfill the eligibility conditions at the time of counseling ·
  • Candidates Qualified (10+2) under a foreign system in India, are required to obtain equivalence certificate from AIU (Association of Indian Universities, New Delhi).For more details about obtaining AIU equivalence certificate,please visit the official website of AIU-

PIMS AICET UG 2014 Test Centers

The PIMS-AICET-UG 2014 will be conducted at following centers.
Ahmedabad, Chandigarh, Delhi, Hyderabad, Cochin, Mumbai, Navi Mumbai, Pune and Aurangabad

PIMS AICET UG 2014 Test Pattern

  • There will be one question paper of 3 hours duration containing 200 multiple choice questions (MCQs), 50 questions each in Physics, Chemistry , Botany and Zoology.
  • Each correct answer will be awarded one mark. There will be no negative marking for wrong answers.
  • Scratching, overwriting, tick-marking and multiple answers will be considered as wrong answers and no marks will be awarded.

PIMS AICET UG 2014 Application Form

The candidates can download the Application Form from the official website or can purchase from University Admission Office or by writing to the University Address by Payment of Rs. 500/- DD in favor of Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences, Loni Payable at Pune (Rs. 200 /- Extra for Postal Charge) or can by the prospectus at the selected places in Mumbai, Pune, Aurangabad, Ahmednagar, Nashik, Chandigarh, Hyderabad, Kochi & Delhi. For Detailed Address Click here.
The candidates are required to fill the application form completely. Incomplete application form will be rejected. Please refer Annexure – A for instructions for filling the application form.
The photograph on the Application Form should be attested by a gazetted officer or Principal of the college where last studied.
Note : Change of category status like SC, ST, NT and OBC i.e.Backward Class Category will not be entertained mid-way during the course of PIMS-AICET-UG 2014. As such students are instructed to declare their correct status while filling the application form.
Submission of Application form
  • General Category candidates should not send any document/ testimonials along with application form.
  • Candidates belonging to Backward class / Reserve category should attach caste and caste verification certificate along with Application Form failing which Application Form will be treated as that of a candidate in general category.
  • Candidates who have obtained qualification (10+2) under foreign system in India, should attach AIU equivalence certificate along with Application Form failing which Application Form will be rejected.
  • The candidate should ensure that his application form along with demand draft and applicable documents reaches the office of the Competent Authority on or before 01 April, 2014 and with late fees on or before 07 April, 2014 at the following address.The Competent Authority
    PIMS – AICET – UG 2014
    Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences,
    At / post : Loni (BK) – 413736 , Tal. Rahata,
    Dist. Ahmednagar, (Maharashtra State)
The applications received after the due date or not accompanied by the demand draft covering entrance fee will be rejected. The Admission Committee will not be responsible for non-receipt of the application form by the specified date due to postal delays. Application forms should be sent by registered post or handed over to the Office of Competent Authority personally. The candidates are advised not to send the application form by courier service other than ‘Blue Dart’ courier.
Entrance Test Fee
The fee for the Entrance Test is Rs. 1,500/- . The fee is payable by demand draft in favour of “Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences, Loni”, drawn on any of the banks indicated below :
Drawn on BankBranch CodePayable at
State Bank of India
Loni Branch
6322Loni – 413736, Tal – Rahata,
Dist – Ahmednagar, (MS)
Central Bank of India
Pravara Medical Trust Loni Branch
3278Loni – 413736, Tal – Rahata,
Dist – Ahmednagar, (MS)
Any Nationalised bank———–Pune – Service Branch
The details of entrance examination fees paid must be filled in the application form. The candidates should write their full name, address and application form number on the reverse side of the demand draft.
If candidate is using downloaded application form from our official website, a Demand Draft of Rs. 1,700/- should be enclosed. After last date for submission of Application form i.e. late fee Rs. 2,000/- extra. The Entrance Test fee once paid is non refundable.

PIMS AICET UG 2014 Admit Card (Hall Ticket)

  • Candidates are required to fill Hall Ticket information provided in the Application Form and paste a recent sharp and clear colour photograph (not more than three months old) in the box so provided.
  • The photograph should be the same photograph as pasted on top of the Application Form. Any discrepancy in photograph will lead to rejection of application at any stage of admission process. Please do not attest the photograph on the Hall Ticket.
  • Candidates should not separate/cut the Hall ticket from application form and are required to send the application form as it is.
  • The Hall Ticket Number and address of the Test center allotted to the candidate will be filled by the Admission Committee.
  • The Hall Tickets will be dispatched to the candidates by post and e-mail. Admission Committee will not be responsible for non – receipt of Hall Tickets in time due to postal delay.
  • In case a candidate does not receive the Hall Ticket, he/she should immediately contact Designated Authority PIMS-AICET- UG 2014 by phone (02422 – 271475) or fax (02422 – 273442). Such candidates will be issued duplicate Hall Ticket two hours before the entrance examination at the examination center after verification of receipt/Identity Card.
  • Candidate should not tamper or make any changes in the entries made by the Admission Committee in the hall ticket.
  • The Hall Ticket must be produced at the time of entering the Examination Hall and later when necessary.

PIMS AICET UG 2014 Results & Merit List

  • The merit list will be prepared indicating hall ticket number, name, merit number and marks scored by the candidate.
  • A combined merit list will be prepared for MBBS and BDS .
  • Tie-breaker RulesIn case two or more candidates obtaining equal marks in PIMS-AICET – UG 2014, the inter – se merit of such candidates will be decided in the order of performance as under.
    1. First Level :- The candidate obtaining higher marks in Biology (Botany & Zoology) at PIMS – AICET – UG 2014 will be preferred. If the tie still persists,
    2. Second Level :- The candidate obtaining higher marks in Chemistry at PIMS-AICET- UG 2014 will be preferred. If the tie still persists,
    3. Third Level :- The candidate obtaining higher marks in Physics at PIMS-AICET- UG 2014 will be preferred. If the tie still persists,
    4. Fourth Level :- An older candidate will be preferred over a younger candidate.
  • The result will be declared on 03rd June, 2014 at 10:00 AM
  • The result will be displayed on the official website of the PIMS University i.e.
  • There is no provision of re-evaluation of the answer sheets & verification of marks.
  • The statement of marks of the candidates will be dispatched by post on 04th June, 2014. The University will not be responsible for non receipt of marks statement due to postal delay.
  • The candidate who requires duplicate marks statement will have to apply to the Competent Authority on plain paper with fees of Rs. 500/- (Rupees Five Hundred only).

PIMS AICET UG 2014 Selection Process

Candidates belonging to general category who secure minimum 50% marks in PIMS – AICET – UG 2014 and satisfy the eligibility norms laid down by respective councils will be eligible for admission to MBBS / BDS Courses.
Candidates belonging to backward classes (SC/ST/NT & OBC etc) who secure minimum 40% marks in PIMS – AICET – UG 2014 and satisfy the eligibility norms laid down by respective councils will be eligible for admission to MBBS / BDS Courses.
The admission to MBBS/BDS Courses will be offered only on the basis of PIMS – AICET – UG 2014 merit of candidates reported for counselling. There is no reservation for backward class (SC/ST/NT & OBC etc).
Please Note :
“The Students appearing for PIMS-AICET-UG 2014 for MBBS & BDS are also eligible for admission to B.Sc. (Nursing), B.P.Th. (Physiotherapy) and B.Sc. Biotechnology courses of Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences”.

PIMS AICET UG 2014 Counselling

  • The mere inclusion of a candidate in the merit list will not entitle a candidate to be called for counselling.
  • Candidates short listed for counselling will be informed about the time and date of the counselling by letter sent under certificate of posting and the information will also be displayed on official website of PIMS University
  • Asking a candidate to report for counselling does not mean that he/she will be admitted to the course. The actual admission will depend on the number of seats available when his/her turn comes in order of his/her PIMS – AICET – UG 2014 merit.
  • The Counselling session will be conducted at
    Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences, Loni 413 736, Tal-Rahata,
    Dist – Ahmednagar, (MS), INDIA.
    The schedule will be displayed on offical website of PIMS University at the time of declaration of PIMS – AICET- UG 2014 result.
  • The physical presence of the candidate and his / her guardian for counselling is essential. If a candidate is unable to present himself / herself for counselling on account of unavoidable circumstances, he/ she may authorise any individual to represent him/her. The said representative must carry with him/ her, the authorisation letter given by the candidate in prescribed format (Annexure – B).The representative should bring original documents for verification and prescribed fees.
  • Candidates will have to report for counselling at their own cost.
  • Canvassing directly or indirectly for allotment of seat or adjustment will disqualify the candidate for admission.
  • The claim of eligible candidate will be forfeited and candidate will not be considered for subsequent rounds in case of following:-
    1. If the Candidate/ representative is absent at the time and date given to him /her.
    2. If the Candidate does not join allotted course.
    3. If the Candidate fails to pay the prescribed fees at the time of counselling.
  • In case of any dispute in the matter of allocation/ admission or any other matter pertaining to the provisional selection or cancellation of admission, the decision of the Admission Committee will be final and binding on the candidate.

PIMS AICET UG 2014 Important Dates

EventsImportant Dates
Prospectus & Application form available from24th February, 2014
Entrance Test Examination FeeRs. 1,500/-.
(In case of downloaded application form Rs. 1,700/-).
Last Date for Submission of Application Form01st April, 2014
Last Date for Submission of Application Form with Late Fees (Rs.2,000/- Extra)07th April, 2014
Distribution of Hall Tickets01st March; 2014 to 09th April, 2014
Date of PIMS AICET UG 2014 Test26 April, 2014 (02:00 PM to 05:00 PM)
Announcement of Results03rd June, 2014
Date of Counselling24th June, 2014 to 27th June, 2014
Commencement of Classes01st August, 2014

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