Monday, 7 April 2014

09632104985 @ Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, Belgaum MBBS Admission 2014

Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College (JNMC) is a constituent medical school of newly created KLE University. It is located at Belgaum in Karnataka state. The college was earlier affiliated to the state unitary Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences. The college has been adjudged among the top twenty medical schools in the country as per a questionable national survey done in year 2007.
The college is recognized by the Medical Council of India, Malaysian Medical Council, and listed in W.H.O. World Directory of Medical Schools. Its high standards for teaching and research have attracted students from all over the world. There are collaborations with University of Illinois at Chicago, University of Missouri-Kansas City, Vanderbilt University, University of Alabama at Birmingham and University of Colorado Health Sciences Center for teaching and research. The college has received funding from Indian Council of Medical Research, World Health Organization and National Institutes of Health, USA.
The sprawling 100 acre campus in Belgaum has excellent infrastructure, such as state-of-the art labs, equipment, as well as other facilities that collectively provide a professional environment. The college has a 1000-bed free charitable block as well as the 1250-bed KLE Society’s Prabhakar Kore Hospital and Medical Research Centre on campus. The college also runs a rural hospital: Dr. Kamal Hospital & Medical Research Centre, 150 km away at Ankola.

Courses Offered

Under Graduate Program
Post Graduate (MD/MS) Programs
MD General MedicineMD Paediatrics
MD Skin & VDMD Anaesthesiology
MD Radio-DiagnosisMD Pulmonary Medicine
MD PsychiatryMD Pathology
MD MicrobiologyMD Pharmacology
MD Community MedicineMD Forensic Medicine
MD AnatomyMD Physiology
MD BiochemistryMS General Surgery
MS Obstetrics & GynaecologyMS Orthopaedics
MS OphthalmologyMS ENT
Post Graduate (Diploma) Programs
DCH (Paediatrics)DA (Anaesthesiology)
DGO (Obstetrics & Gynaecology)DVD (Skin & VD)
DMRD (Radio-Diagnosis)DOMS (Ophthalmology)
D’Ortho (Orthopaedics)DCP (Pathology)
DLO (ENT)DFM (Forensic Medicine)
DCM (Community Medicine) 

Admission Details

The Candidates Seeking for MBBS Admission in Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College (JNMC), Belgaum have to appear KLEU UGAIET conducted by KLE University.
Eligibility Criteria
  • The candidates seeking admission should have passed the Higher Secondary Certificate examination PUC II/HSC or the Indian School Certificate Examination (ICSE) or any other equivalent to10+2/HSC examination of any recognized Board/University from any School/College studied in India/Abroad after 12 Years of Study. 
  • The candidate should have passed subjects of English, Physics, Chemistry and Biology individually and must have obtained at least 60% marks in Physics, Chemistry and Biology taking together in the qualifying examination i.e. PUC II/10+2/HSC or equivalent. The candidate should have also secured at least 50% marks in Physics, Chemistry and Biology taking together at KLEU-UGAIET Exam.
  • Age: The candidates should complete 17 years of age.

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