Monday, 7 April 2014

09632104985 @ SDUAHER-AIUGMET-2014 (Sri Devaraj Urs University Kolar) Admissions Management Quota

Sri Devaraj Urs Academy of Higher Education and Research, Kolar
Sri Devaraj Urs Academy of Higher Education and Research will conduct an entrance test SDUAHER-AIUGMET-2014-15, for candidates seeking admission to MBBS course and this admission would be granted based on the inter se merit determined under the said test. The SDUAHER-AIUGMET-2014-15 test scores are valid only for admissions during the academic year 2014-15.
The SDUAHER-AIUGMET-2014-15 will be conducted at centers in Bangalore, Chennai, Vijayawada, Mumbai and Kolkata on 20th April, 2014 Sunday From 10:00 AM to 01:00 PM

About Sri Devraj Urs

Sri Devaraj Urs Educational Trust for Backward classes, Kolar.
In 1984, a group of dedicated and like-minded visionaries headed by Shri. R.L.Jalappa, champion of co-operative movement established Sri Devaraj Urs Educational Trust for Backward Classes, to focus on the Medical Education and Social Services. The Trust set in certain quality objectives to provide the students and faculty, need based modern infrastructure and facilities, to facilitate dynamic growth in the field of Medical Education in tune with the changing world scenario.
As a first step in this direction the trust established, Sri Devaraj Urs Medical College in the year 1986 at Kolar, Karnataka, which has now grown into one of the best Medical Colleges in India. This success inspired the Trust to start several other educational Institutions in Primary, Secondary and Higher education areas.
Sri Devaraj Urs Academy of Higher Education and Research
(A Deemed to be University) Tamaka, Kolar -563101.The Trust in its stride for attainment of its Vision, Mission and Objectives obtained ISO 9001:2000 Certification and Accreditation by National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC, INDIA) in the year 2006 for its Medical College.
The University Grants Commission of India after being satisfied about the infrastructure and Teaching facilities has recommended to the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India, to confer Deemed to be University status to the Medical College. Accordingly, the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India conferred Deemed to be University Status to the Medical College, vide Notification No. F.9-36/2006-U.3(A) Dated 25th May 2007, in the name and style of Sri Devaraj Urs Academy of Higher Education and Research comprising Sri Devaraj Urs Medical College, Tamaka, Kolar.
At present The Academy comprises only Sri Devaraj Urs Medical College as the constituent institution and efforts are being initiated to bring in Sri Devaraj Urs College of Nursing, Kolar (on campus) and R L Jalappa Institute of Technologies (off campus) under the ambit of The Academy.
The Academy has established new departments of studies namely Department of Allied health Sciences, Department of Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics and University Department of Medical Education.

SDUAHER-AIUGMET-2014 Eligibility Criteria

The candidate must have passed the qualifying examination as under:
The higher secondary examination of the Indian school Certificate Examination which is equivalent to 10+2 Higher Secondary Examination after a period of 12 years study, the last two years of study comprising of Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics or any other elective subjects with English at a level not less than core course of English as prescribed by the National Council of Educational Research and Training after the introduction of the 10+2+3 years educational structure as recommended by the National Committee on education OR other qualifications as recognized by Medical Council of India.
The Candidate should have passed the qualifying examination which is 2nd PUC or 10+2 higher secondary or equivalent examination. The last two years of study comprising Physics, Chemistry and Biology (PCB) with English as a compulsory subject, must have passed these subjects individually and must have obtained a minimum of 50% of marks taken together in Physics, Chemistry and Biology. In addition, in the competitive entrance test, the candidate must have secured not less than 50% marks in Physics, Chemistry and Biology.
In respect of candidates belonging to Schedule Caste, Schedule Tribes or Other Backward Class the marks obtained in Physics, Chemistry and Biology taken together in qualifying examination and competitive entrance examination shall be 40% instead of 50% as stated above.
Age: The candidates should have completed 17 years of age on or before 31st day of December of the year of admission.
  • Change of category status like SC, ST, OBC, will not be entertained mid-way during the various stages of SDUAHER–AIUGMET–2014-15. Hence, the applicants are cautioned to declare their status while filling the application.
  • For admission to MBBS course eligibility will be followed strictly on a par with the regulations of Medical Council of India.

SDUAHER-AIUGMET-2014 Test Pattern (Test Scheme)

SDUAHER-AIUGMET-2014 will have the following pattern:
  • (Combined paper for Physics, Chemistry and Biology) Compulsory for all the candidates appearing for SDUAHER-AIUGMET-2014
  • A single test combining Physics, Chemistry and Biology subjects will be held on 20.04.2014 in the Forenoon Session (10.00 AM to 1.00 PM).
  • There will be a total of 180 questions: 60 questions in Physics, 60 questions in Chemistry and 60 questions in Biology. The test duration for combined paper is 180 minutes.
  • The total marks for 180 Questions are 180.
  • Candidates are required to mark their answers on an OMR (Optical Mark Reader) sheet.
  • Correct answer for each question will be awarded one mark.
  • No Mark/s will be awarded for multiple marking (marking multiple responses) of any question.
  • There is no negative mark for wrong answers.

SDUAHER-AIUGMET-2014 Test Centres

The SDUAHER-AIUGMET-2014-15 will be held in Bangalore, Chennai, Vijayawada, Mumbai and Kolkata. The test will be held on the time and date mentioned. (The details of the test centre will be published online.) The Centre’s Address will be mentioned in the Online TAT.

SDUAHER-AIUGMET-2014 Application Form

  • The Online application form has to be filled up properly and completely. Click here for Online Application Form
  • Take printouts of
    1. The filled in Application form
    2. Date of Birth Certificate / Identity Proof for Candidate’s Copy
    3. Date of Birth Certificate / Identity proof for SDUAHER Copy.
  • The Application form is said to be complete only if it is enclosed with all the documents mentioned in the checklist.
  • The application can be submitted by post or in person (acknowledgement has to be obtained if submitted in person). The application form complete in all respect has to be Addressed to: The Registrar, (U.G. Admission Cell), Sri Devaraj Urs Academy of Higher Education & Research, Tamaka, Kolar-563101, Karnataka, India to reach on or before 09th April, 2014 05:00 PM. Application reaching The Academy after 05:00 PM on 09th April, 2014 shall not be accepted and returned to sender/applicant.
  • Multiple application forms filled and received from the same candidate causing confusion will be treated as intentional and would result in disqualification.
  • Ensure that the Demand Draft (DD) for Rs.1500/-(One Thousand Five Hundred only) drawn in favour of The Registrar, Sri Devaraj Urs Academy of Higher Education & Research, Kolar (payable at KOLAR) is enclosed.
Note: Send the Application in A4 size envelopes only. Do not fold the application form. Superscribe the envelope at the top “ SDUAHER- AIUGMET- 2014-15 Application Form”
Checklist of documents to accompany the completed Application Form
  1. Demand Draft for Rs 1500/- drawn in favour of The Registrar, SDUAHER, Kolar payable at Kolar (mention your application number on the reverse side of the Demand Draft). Check for the banker’s signature on the Demand Draft
  2. SDUAHER Copy of Date of Birth Certificate / Identity Proof in the prescribed form duly attested by the head of the institution where he/she has studied last or Gazetted officer from the place of residence of the candidate. Photograph in the SDUAHER Copy of Date of Birth Certificate / Identity Proof has to be attested by the Head of the Institution where the candidate has last studied or Gazetted officer from the place of residence of the candidate. Left forefinger impressions to be clear, impressions smudged and unclear impressions applications will be rejected.
  3. Attested Photocopies of :
    1. SSLC or 10th Marks Card (Compulsorily)
    2. 12th or 2nd P U Marks Card (if available)
    3. SC/ST/OBC certificate and Income certificate issued by competent authority not less than the rank of tahsildhar.
  4. Additional photograph : 6 copies of colour photographs identical and clear in all respect (mention your application number on the back of the photographs)
The duly filled in Application Form should reach The Registrar, (U.G. Admission Cell,) Sri Devaraj Urs Academy of Higher Education & Research, Tamaka, Kolar -563101, either by post or in person, on or before 09th April, 2014 05:00 PM.

SDUAHER-AIUGMET-2014 Admit Cards (TAT Cards)

Candidates appearing for SDUAHER–AIUGMET–2014-15 will be issued a online Test Admission Ticket (TAT) for identification. Candidates are required to bring the online TAT and the Candidate’s copy of Date of Birth Certificate / Identity Proof duly attested by the Head of the Institution where he/she has last studied or Gazetted officer from the place of residence of the candidate, which should be similar to the copy which was submitted to The Academy along with the application form for entry to the examination hall. This is mandatory. Photograph in the Candidate’s Copy of Date of Birth Certificate / Identity Proof has to be attested by the Head of the Institution where the candidate has last studied or Gazetted officer from the place of residence of the candidate. Left forefinger impressions to be clear, impressions smudged and unclear such applications will be rejected.
The Online Test Admission Ticket gives the details of the test centre assigned to the candidate. The candidate is assigned a Test centre during the processing of his/her application and no request for change in the test centre will be considered.
  • Online Test Admission Ticket will be available under applicant login of the website from 10th April, 2014 Candidates appearing for SDUAHER–AIUGMET–2014-15 should download & obtain printout of the Online Test Admission Ticket (Online TAT) for taking the SDUAHER–AIUGMET–2014-15 scheduled to be held on 20th April, 2014.
  • No Test Admission Ticket will be dispatched either by post or courier or in person to the candidates under any circumstances.
  • Candidates will not be allowed to write the SDUAHER–AIUGMET–2014-15 without the print out of Online Test Admission Ticket which is a mandatory document.
  • The Online Test Admission Ticket gives the details of test centre assigned to the candidate. The candidates are assigned a test centre which is system generated during the application processing itself, hence no requests for change in test centre would be considered. Candidates are advised to go through the below mentioned instructions carefully before printing the Online Test Admission Ticket (TAT).

SDUAHER-AIUGMET-2014 Important Dates

EventsImportant Dates
Starting date for issue of online Application Forms.01st March, 2014
Last Date for online submission of Application Forms.04th April, 2014
Last date for receipt of duly filled physical application form along with requisite fee, photographs and other relevant documents.
1. SSLC or 10th Marks Card (Compulsorily)
2. 12th or 2nd P U Marks Card (if available)
3. Caste certificate and Income certificate (Mandatory for candidate who is claiming category viz, SC/ST/OBC)
09th April, 2014
Last date for uploading of Online Test Admission Tickets (TAT) on the website (Applicant login)**10th April, 2014
SDUAHER-AIUGMET-2014-15 Test Date20th April, 2014 (10:00 AM – 01:00 PM)
Publishing of key Answers.20th April, 2014
Last date for receiving objections pertaining to key Answers.26th April, 2014
Announcement of Test Scores.05th May, 2014
Last date for receiving objection pertaining to Test Scores.12th May, 2014
Announcement of Rank List.19th May, 2014
Last date for uploading of Rank Cards on the website (Applicant login)**29th May, 2014
**No Test Admission Ticket (TAT) and Rank Card will be dispatched either by post or courier to the candidates under any circumstances. The candidates should download these documents through applicant login facility.

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